Saturday, February 24, 2007

Cloned animals are bad, mkay?

That's my take on the argument against cloned animals, anyway.

Why are people so concerned about cloned animals as sources of meat, milk, et cetera? Are we even capable of distinguishing that one is a clone? From the milk? I just don't understand it, but maybe the fact I won't ever find myself eating a cloned animal since I'm vegetarian is playing into it. I voted against banning horse meat for human consumption, too, though my carnivorous fellows disagreed. They know that eating horse and dog is bad while deer and pig is good. The second two have cloven hooves (among other things) after all. I'm obviously a nutter. Wait, wasn't cloven hooves supposed to be bad?

Of course, we've been cloning for centuries with plants. Remember the Irish Potato Famine? Remember why it was so bad? Okay, that's a case against cloning. But we're still doing it and consumers not only don't care, but they prefer the cloned fruits and vegetables. Where do you think seedless grapes come from?

Meanwhile, it seems no one is actually out to try to use cloning to produce an animal for general consumption. They want to take a prime example of the bovine form and clone it so more offspring can come from it. It's the offspring they want for milking or beef. And as companies come out vocally against serving you cloned animal product, they clam up tight when asked about the offspring of the clone.

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