Saturday, March 03, 2007

examining outside ourselves: Cargo

Not available from your local Amazon, this may be quite an interesting book. Cargo: Comic Journalism From Israel & Germany takes six artists, three each from Germany and Israel, and asks them to write about their impressions of being in the other country. Apparently the concept was to be complicated by historical tensions between the two countries, but this didn't come out much in the actual works. Instead there are different glimpses into these two areas of the world as seen by unconventional eyes. That sort of thing is usually quite interesting for the person whose own familiar surroundings are viewed by an outsider but can often be almost as interesting to the third party who will see various parallels and differences between their own culture and those presented on the page.

The book was published simultaneously in English and German. Here in the US it was solicited through Diamond about this time last year so although Amazon doesn't have it (they don't put up with that sort of thing?) your local comic shop will or can get it. A review of the book is here.

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